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Assessing Assesment

Preparing your submission

Unless you are submitting a TeachTok proposal, your submission should be prepared for anonymous review. Written submissions should be in PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx) format.

Intended audience

fellow philosophy instructors



present and discuss an alternative approach to grading/assessment or a particular activity or assignment; share experiences and challenges with alternative grading/assessment

Proposal should include

  • Description of an alternative approach to grading/assessment (generally) or to a particular (kind of) activity or assignment

  • Pitch  for this alternative approach, including explanation of the theoretical  basis of, motivations for, and your experiences with, using the  proposed approach, activity, or assignment (<600 words)

  • List of benefits and trade-offs, with special attention to workload,  inclusivity, accessibility, & potential institutional considerations
    (<250 words)

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